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사용자:Harpuia/작업장/허구에 관한 도움말

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

최종 버전은 백:편집 지침 (허구)가 되면 좋겠습니다. 현재 번역 요청 상태입니다.

위키백과에는 허구, 혹은 허구 세계 및 그 구성 요소에 대한 글들이 많이 올라옵니다.

글을 쓸 때 독립되고 신뢰할 수 있는 2차 자료에 따라 주제에 대한 현실 세계의 저명성이 보장되어야 합니다 — 이는 또한 이 글이 포괄적이며 사실을 정확히 반영할 수 있다고 말할 수 있는 충분한 자료가 있다는 것을 보장할 것입니다.

또한, 만일 주제가 위키백과에 들어가는 것이 보장되려면, 편집자들은 주제에 대해 무엇을 쓸 것인지, 또한 그 정보를 어떻게 제공하는 것이 제일 좋을 지 생각해 볼 필요가 있습니다. 이 조건들은 상호 보완적이므로 서로 독립된 것으로 해석하면 안 될 것이며, 글을 잘 쓰기 위해서는 이 두 조건들을 동시에 고려해야 할 것입니다.

이 글은 단지 도움말일 뿐, 정책이 아니라는 것을 명심해야 합니다. 이 글은 상식적으로 접근할 필요가 있으며, 또한 때로는 예외도 있을 수 있습니다. 그러나, 이 도움말에 나와 있는 기본적인 사항들을 따르는 것은 허구적인 주제에 대한 글들을 더 좋게 만드는 하나의 방법이 될 수 있습니다.

현실 세계의 관점[편집]

허구에 관한 글들은 다른 위키백과의 글들처럼 현실 세계와 밀접한 관계가 있어야 하고, 또한 현실의 기준 틀이 될 수 있어야 합니다. 이런 접근은 주제에 관한 것들을 허구 자체와 그 출판물이 연결되어 있을 때 현실 세계의 관점에서 설명하기 위한 것입니다. 이는 1차 출처 그리고 2차 출처 모두를 활용해야 하는 일입니다.

현실 세계적 관점에서 본 면의 예는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 허구 작품 그 자체, 그리고 그 제작 과정 및 출판물에 대한 모습의 주의 깊은 구별. 예를 들면 현실 세계에서 작품이 미친 영향 등이 있습니다(내용 설명 항목에 더 자세한 내용이 있습니다).
  • 서술된 시간대와 허구적 연대기, 그리고 서술자의 시간대와 현실 세계의 사건에 대한 실제 연대기 사이의 주의 깊은 구별.(특히 TV나 영화 관련 주제에서는 더 주의해야 합니다)
  • 허구적 소재를 나타내는
    • 특히 TV나 영화 관련 글에서 더 주의해야 합니다; 이는 영화 촬영상의 요소를 반영할 수도 있습니다.
    • 문학의 경우, 문체문학 기법에 관한 내용을 포함할 수 있습니다.
  • 허구적 인물, 장소 및 장치를 이야기의 객체로서 서술하는 것
  • 작자의 의도에 대한 (참조된) 언급

아래에 현실 세계적 관점에서 쓴 참고할 만한 글들의 목록이 있습니다.

세계관 내 관점의 문제점[편집]

세계관 내적인 관점은 이야기를 허구적 세계관 내부의 시점에서 서술하여, 그것이 마치 실존하는 것인 양 서술하며 현실 세계의 주제와 출처 있는 분석을 무시하는 것입니다. 현실 세계의 정보를 빼 버리고 서술하려는 허구의 내용을 지지하거나 재창조하려는 어떠한 행위라도 세계관 내적인 관점을 구성하는 시작이 될 수 있습니다.

많은 팬 위키와 팬 사이트들은 이런 접근 방식(아래를 참조하세요)을 취하고 있습니다만, 위키백과 글에 적절한 방식은 아닙니다. 세계관 내적 관점은 정확하지 않고 갈피를 잡을 수 없어서 중요하지 않은 정보에 불필요한 비중이 추가되는 수가 있으며, 확인 불가능독자 연구를 낳게 됩니다. 제일 중요한 것은, 세계관 내적인 관점은 위키백과가 어떻게 되어야 한다는 사람들의 만장일치를 반영하지 않습니다.

정확성과 적절한 비중, 그리고 틀들을 참조하세요.

세계관 내의 문제점들은 다양하지만 예로 다음이 있습니다;

  • 허구의 모든, 혹은 대부분의 요소에 대한 창작 활동이라는 관점의 배제
  • 역사적 사실처럼 쓰인 줄거리 전개
  • 인물에 대한 전기같이 쓰인, 허구적 인물에 대한 글이나 부분
  • 허구적 지역에 대한 지리적 사실같이 쓰인 설명
  • 현실 세계 주제를 위해 쓰여야 할 정보 틀들을 쓰는 것
  • 주요 창작물에서 허구의 주제에 대해 논하고, 애매한 외전 자료들을 동등하게 놓고 보는 것
  • 장난 문장을 정보의 출처로 삼는 것
  • 허구 세계에서의 모순을 그대로 논하지 않고 간극을 메우거나 모순을 해결하려 하는 것
  • 영적 후속작을 거기에 동기부여를 한 작품과 한 시간대 위에 놓는 것
  • 영화의 스틸 사진, 그리고 스크린샷에 대한 설명을 캐릭터를 나타내는 영화의 장면이 아니라 캐릭터 자체가 나타나 있다고 서술하는 것
  • 허구적 창작물 자체가 아니라 이야기에 등장하는 허구적 사건들이나 날짜들을 참조하는 것
  • 창작물들을 실제로 출판된 순서가 아니라 허구적 연대에 맞게 배열하는 것

예를 들어, TV에서 허구적 탐정이 그 의무를 다 하다가 동료를 잃었다면, 세계관 내적인 관점으로는 그것이 뒷이야기에 있었는지, 시험극에 있었는지, 아니면 본편에 있었는지 애매해집니다. 만일 동료가 시험극에서 죽었지만 잘 알려지지 않은 전편 소설에 있었다면, 세계관 내적인 관점으로는 그 동료에 대해 터무니없이 많은 서술이 가해지게 됩니다. 만약, 나중 방송분에서 그 죽은 동료가 전혀 존재하지 않았다고 추정되는 사건들이 일어나게 되면, 이것의 세계관 내적인 서술은 불가능해집니다. 세계관 내적으로 서술하려고 하면 연속성 오류를 교정해야만 하는데, 그렇게 하면 독자 연구를 하게 되고, 정확성마저 떨어집니다.

1차 및 2차 자료[편집]

위 절에서 글이 씌어져야 하는 제일 우선적인 관점에 대해 다루면서 현실 세계 관점허구 세계 관점에 대해 다뤘다면, 이 절에서는 정보의 조직에 대해서 다루게 됩니다. 1차, 2차, 3차 자료의 사용에 관한 정책도 이 문제와 관련이 있으니 숙지해 주십시오.

Primary information[편집]

The term primary information describes information that originates from primary sources about the fictional universe, i.e., the original work of fiction or an affiliated work of fiction (e.g. another episode of the same series). Even with strict adherence to the real-world perspective, writing about fiction always includes using the original fiction itself as a source. See also the sections on fair use and templates.

Examples of information available in primary sources include:

  • the birth and death dates of fictional characters
  • performance statistics or characteristics for fictional vehicles or devices
  • history of fictional locations or organizations
  • background information on fictional creatures
  • and, of course, the plot itself

Secondary information[편집]

The term secondary information describes information external to the fictional universe, and is usually taken from secondary sources about the fictional world, or from primary and secondary sources about the author and the circumstances of creation. Publications affiliated with a particular work of fiction (e.g. fan magazines), are mostly not considered suitable secondary sources about the primary works. However, such publications may be suitable primary or secondary sources in an article about the fan publication itself or other related topics.

The rule of thumb is to use as much secondary information as necessary and useful to give the article a real-world perspective, not more and not less. Another rule of thumb is that if the topic is notable, secondary information should be available and possibly already in the article.

Examples of useful information typically provided by secondary sources about the original work, or primary and secondary sources about information external to the work:

  • the author or creator
  • other key figures of the creation process, e.g. the cinematographer for films or notable translators for novels
  • the film or software company or publishing house
  • the design
  • the development, both before its first appearance and over the course of the narrative
  • real-world factors that have influenced the work or fictional element
  • for a fictional character in a dramatic production, the actor who portrayed the role and their approach to playing that character
  • foreign translations
  • its popularity among the public
  • its sales figures (for commercial offerings)
  • its reception by critics
  • a critical analysis of the subject
  • the influence of the work on later creators and their projects

Contextual presentation[편집]

There are generally two possible issues to be considered: The context of the production and the context of the original fiction. Whenever the original fiction itself is the subject of the article, all out-of-universe information needs to be set in the context of that original fiction (e.g. by including a plot summary). When the article concerns e.g. a documentary about that original fiction, then it would not necessarily be important to discuss the content of the original source material.

Details of creation, development, etc. relating to a particular fictional element are more helpful if the reader understands the role of that element in the story. This often involves providing plot summaries, character descriptions or biographies, or direct quotations. By convention, these synopses should be written in the present tense, as this is the way that the story is experienced as it is read or viewed. At any particular point in the story there is a 'past' and a 'future', but whether something is 'past' or 'future' changes as the story progresses. It is simplest and conventional to recount the entire description as continuous 'present'.

Presenting fictional material from the original work is fine, provided passages are short, are given the proper context, and do not constitute the main portion of the article. If such passages stray into the realm of interpretation, secondary sources must be provided to avoid original research.

Plot summaries[편집]

Main articles: Wikipedia:Plot summaries and Wikipedia:How to write a plot summary.

Plot summaries can be written from the real-world perspective by referring to specific works or parts of works ("In the first book", "In Act II") or describing things from the author or creator's perspective ("The author introduces", "The story describes"). This gives the summary a more grounded tone and makes it more accessible to those unfamiliar with the source material. This style of writing should be preferred for plot summaries that encompass multiple works, such as a series of novels. Such conventions are not as important for plot summaries of single works, such as novels that are not part of a series; nevertheless, some real-world language at the beginning of such summaries is often good style. The length of a plot summary should be carefully balanced with the length of the other sections.

Summary style approach[편집]

Sometimes, when an article gets long (see 위키백과:글의 길이), a section of the article is made into its own article, and the handling of the subject in the main article is condensed to a brief summary. This is completely normal Wikipedia procedure; the new article is sometimes called a "spinout" or "spinoff" of the main article, see for example 위키백과:요약적 제시, which explains the technique. For fictional works, these spinout articles are typically lists of characters or other elements that usually rely on the coverage of the parent topic, and may lack demonstration of real-world coverage through sources dedicated specifically to those elements. Very rarely should such spinout articles be about a singular topic; either that topic has demonstrated its own notability, or should be merged into the main article or existing spinout articles.

The spinout article should concisely provide details of the topic or topics covered in the work – just because the spinout article is given more space to grow does not mean that excessive plot summaries or fictional character biographies are appropriate. As with other fictional works, the spinout article should be written in an "out-of-universe" style. As with all other Wikipedia articles, the spinout article needs to be verifiable, must possess no original research, and must reflect a neutral point of view.


There are notability prerequisites to be met by all subjects to warrant articles specifically about them. As mentioned earlier, the rule of thumb is that if the topic is sufficiently notable, secondary sources should be available and should ideally be included on article creation.

Accuracy and appropriate weight[편집]

It is important that articles are not only written from a neutral point of view and give due weight to all aspects of the subject in terms of WP:NPOV, but also that appropriate weight is given to all elements of the article page, including e.g. infoboxes and succession boxes as well as images and the text. The goal is to attain the greatest possible degree of accuracy in covering the topic at hand, which is also the basic rationale behind discouraging e.g. unproportionally long plot summaries and in-universe writing.


When writing about fiction, keep the following in mind:

  • The principal frame of reference is always the real world, in which both the work of fiction and its publication are embedded: write from a real-world perspective;
  • Both primary and secondary information are necessary for a real-world perspective: maintain a balanced use of both primary and secondary sources;
  • Unpublished personal observation and interpretation of the article's subject and primary sources are not acceptable on Wikipedia: avoid original research;
  • All included information needs to be verifiable and derive from and be supported by reliable sources, and all sources (including the primary sources) need to be appropriately cited in the article: reference all information and cite your sources;
  • All relevant aspects must be given due weight in all elements of the article page, including text, images, elements of layout and even the article title: give weight where weight is due;
  • Readability and comprehensibility: put all information in the context of the original fiction;
  • Check with the image use policy before adding images to any article;
  • Avoid creating lists of trivia; instead, incorporate relevant information into the body of the article;

List of exemplary articles[편집]

The following is a partial list of articles about fiction or elements from fiction that follow the real-world perspective. These are good examples to follow for editors seeking to cover fictional subjects on Wikipedia. For other good examples, see the lists of articles that have been rated at Good and Featured status.

Note: Keep in mind that the content in these articles may have changed since the time of their original listing here.
Complete works (films, television series, novels, video games, etc.)
See also



If you notice an article that predominantly describes a fictional topic from an in-universe perspective, or even provides no indication that a fictional subject is fictional, preferably improve it yourself, or add the {{In-universe}} template to bring the issue to the attention of others. Be sure to leave a note on the article's talk page explaining your objections. This template looks like this:



If you notice an article featuring only primary sources and sources affiliated with the subject, preferably improve it yourself, or add the {{Primarysources}} template to bring the issue to the attention of others. This template looks like this:


Real-world perspective Barnstar[편집]

Properly writing about fiction is not an easy task. This is doubly true for coverage from a consistent real-world perspective. Therefore, any editor who makes an effort to improve one or more fiction-related articles by including or expanding material related to real-world perspective deserves due recognition, e.g. by being awarded a Real-world perspective Barnstar.

Alternative outlets for fictional universe articles[편집]

Some other Wikipedia-like projects prefer in-universe perspective. These are a good alternative for editors interested in such topics. The following is a partial list:

Infoboxes and succession boxes[편집]

Infoboxes, usually placed in the upper-right portion of an article, give key data about the article's subject in tabular format. For entities within fiction, useful infobox data might include the creators or actors, first appearance, an image, and in-universe information essential to understanding the entity's context in the overall fiction. What qualifies as essential varies based on the nature of the work. Where facts change at different points in a story or series, there may be no appropriate in-universe information at all to add. By contrast, an infobox on a character in a fantasy work with multiple warring factions may warrant data such as allegiance.

As with all infoboxes, trivial details should be avoided. An infobox for a real-life actor would not contain items such as favorite food and hobbies; these details do not aid the reader in understanding the important characteristics of the subject. In the same way, infoboxes about fictional entities should avoid delving into minutiae, such as information only mentioned in supplementary backstory. For this reason, infoboxes meant for real-world entities should not be applied to their fictional counterparts, since, for example, information important to a description of a real-world company may be tangential to a fictional one. It is important to identify the revenue of Microsoft, whereas the fact that fictional MegaAcmeCorp makes 300 billion GalactiBucks in the year 2463 is probably unimportant.

Another common type of template, succession boxes, should not be used to describe in-universe relationships in articles about fictional entities. Succession boxes assume continuity, which may not exist. Furthermore, they may invite the creation of non notable articles that fall under the fictional succession. For articles about works of fiction themselves, the story that each work of fiction depicts does not change despite the continuation of stories across serial works or sequels, and as a consequence, the events within one work of fiction are always in the present whenever it is read, watched, or listened to. In-universe temporal designations such as "current" or "previous" are therefore inappropriate. For character articles (which cannot be bound temporally), it may be acceptable to use customized templates to summarize information from the perspective of the real world, such as connections between articles describing the same fictional world. Such templates should not invite the creation of articles about non-notable subjects.

더 보기[편집]

관련된 위키프로젝트[편집]

These are some of the more important WikiProjects that deal with fiction material. They may have additional suggestions, article templates and styles that you might wish to make yourself familiar with.