사용자:Lsm8895/작업장/주변 기기

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

주변기기는 is any 드라이브 attached to a 컴퓨터 in order to expand its functionality (basically input and output devices together are known as peripherals). Some of the more common peripheral devices are 프린터, 이미지 스캐너, 디스크 드라이브s, 테이프 드라이브s, 마이크로폰s, speakers, and 카메라s. Peripheral devices can also include other computers on a network system. A device can also refer to a non-physical item, such as a pseudo terminal, a 램 디스크, or a 네트워크 카드.

Before the advent of the 개인용 컴퓨터, any connected 드라이브 added to the three base components — the 마더 보드, CPU and working 메모리 (, , or core) — was considered to be a peripheral device.

The 개인용 컴퓨터 has expanded the sense of what devices are needed on a base system, and 키보드, 모니터, and 마우스 are no longer generally considered to be peripheral devices.

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