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원문 : Government문서(영어)


엘리후 베더, 정부 (1896). 워싱턴 D.C. 의회 도서관 소장.

정부(政府,영어:government)는 '일정한 행정 단위의 대중을 통치하는 조직'[1],'통치 전반에 있어 강제력을 수행하는 기관'[2]으로, 국민들을 이끌고 국정을 수행하는 총체적인 조직을 칭하는 말이다. 좁은 의미로는 국가 전체에 대한 행정을 수행하는 행정부만을 의미하기도 하고, 넓은 의미로는 동사무소,구청,시청,도청 등 지방 자치 단체를 총칭하여 부르기도 한다.

정부의 종류[편집]

  • 무정부 - 정부가 존재하지 않는다.
  • 민주정 - 국민들이 권력의 대부분을 가지는 정부 형태이다. 국민 스스로가 직접 통치하는 직접 민주정과 국민에 의해 선출된 대표가 통치하는 간접 민주정으로 나눌 수 있다.
  • 전제정 - 하나의 지배자가 통치하는 정부 형태이며, 국민을 지배자에게 속한 노예나 하인으로 본다는 점에서 독재정과 구분된다. (같이 보기:왕권신수설)
  • 독재정 - 국가 전체를 아우르는 권력을 지닌 하나의 지배자가 통치하는 정부 형태이다. (같이 보기:군정)
  • 군주정 - 세습적인 군주가 통치하는 정부 형태이다.
  • 과두정 - 권력을 소수의 지배자가 균점하여 통치하는 정부 형태이다.
  • 금권정 - 부유층이 통치하는 정부 형태이다. (같이 보기:솔론)
  • 신정(신권정) - 종교 지도자가 통치하는 정부 형태이다.

몇몇 나라들은 정부의 종류가 섞인채로 나타나는 경우가 있다. 대표적인 예로 이란은 민주정과 신정이 혼합되어 있으며, 입헌 군주국인 네덜란드는 군주정과 민주정의 요소를 함께 포함하고 있다. [3][4]

== 정부의 기원 == (작업중)

사람들이 수렵•채집인이며 소규모의 농업을 하던 몇 천년동안 사람들은 사실상 계층이 없고 자급자족하며 살았다. 그러나 추상적인 것을 정확하게 표현해낼 수 있는 인간의 능력은, 새로 알게 된 정보로 더욱 효과적인 농업을 할 수 있게 했다. [5] 그리고 이 현상으로 인해 인구가 급속도로 증가하였다. .[6] David Christian은 이 현상이 어떻게 법과 정부가 있는 국가로 이어졌는지를 설명한다.

As farming populations gathered in larger and denser communities, interactions between different groups increased and the social pressure rose until, in a striking parallel with star formation, new structures suddenly appeared, together with a new level of complexity. Like stars, cities and states reorganize and energize the smaller objects within their gravitational field.

언제 정부가 생겨났는지는 정확히는 알려지지 않았다. 그러나, 역사는 매우 초기 형태의 정부의 형성은 기록하고 있다. 약 5천여년 전, 처음으로 작은 '시티-스테이츠(city-states)'가 생겨났다.[6] 기원전 3천에서 2천년 전부터, 몇몇 '시티-스테이츠(city-states)'는 넓은 지역을 다스릴 만큼 발전하였다. 그 대표적인 예로는 인더스 문명, 수메르 문명, 고대 이집트 문명황하문명을 들 수 있다..[7]

States formed as the results of a positive feedback loop where population growth results in increased information exchange which results in innovation which results in increased resources which results in further population growth.[8][9] The role of cities in the feedback loop is important. Cities became the primary conduits for the dramatic increases in information exchange that allowed for large and densely packed populations to form, and because cities concentrated knowledge, they also ended up concentrating power.[10][11] "Increasing population density in farming regions provided the demographic and physical raw materials used to construct the first cities and states, and increasing congestion provided much of the motivation for creating states."[12]

정부의 기초적 목적[편집]

The fundamental purpose of government is the maintenance of basic security and public order — without which individuals cannot attempt to find happiness.[13] The philosopher Thomas Hobbes figured that people, as rational animals, saw submission to a government dominated by a sovereign as preferable to anarchy.[14][15]

People in a community create and submit to government for the purpose of establishing for themselves, safety and public order.[16][15][17][18]

초기의 정부들[편집]

이들은 초기 정부의 예이다:

  • 고대 이집트—3000 BC[7]
  • 인더스강 문명—3000 BC[7][19]
  • 수메르—5200 BC[7]
  • 황하 문명(중국)—2000 BC[7]

정부의 추가적 기능[편집]

국가 방위[편집]

The fundamental purpose of government is to protect one from his or her neighbors; however, a sovereign of one country is not necessarily sovereign over the people of another country. The need for people to defend themselves against potentially thousands of non-neighbors necessitates a national defense mechanism—a military.

Militaries are created to deal with the highly complex task of confronting large numbers of enemies. A farmer can defend himself from a single enemy person—or even five enemies, but he can't defend himself from twenty thousand—even with the help of his strongest and bravest family members. A far larger group would be needed, and despite the fact that most of the members of the group would not be related by family ties, they would have to learn to fight for one another as if they were all in the same family. An organization that trains people to do this is an army.

Wars and armies predated governments, but once governments came onto the scene, they proceeded to dominate the formation and use of armies. Governments seek to maintain monopolies on the use of force,[20] and to that end, they usually suppress the development of private armies within their states.

경제적인 안정성 유지[편집]

Increasing complexities in society resulted in the formations of governments, but the increases in complexity didn't stop. As the complexity and interdependency's of human communities moved forward, economies began to dominate the human experience enough for an individual's survival potential to be affected substantially by the region's economy. Governments were originally created for the purpose of increasing people's survival potentials, and in that same purpose, governments became involved in manipulating and managing regional economies.[21] One of a great many examples would be Wang Mang's attempt to reform the currency in favor of the peasants and poor in ancient China.[22]

At a bare minimum, government ensures that money's value will not be undermined by prohibiting counterfeiting, but in almost all societies—including capitalist ones—governments attempt to regulate many more aspects of their economies.[23] However, very often, government involvement in a national economy has more than just a purpose of stabilizing it for the benefit of the people. Often, the members of government shape the government's economic policies for their own benefits. This will be discussed shortly.

사회 안전망 구축[편집]

사회 안전망은 경제 안전망과 관련되어있다. 오랫동안(Throughout most of human history,) parents prepared for their old age by producing enough children to ensure that some of them would survive long enough to take care of the parents in their old age.[24] In modern, relatively high-income societies, a mixed approach is taken where the government shares a substantial responsibility of taking care of the elderly.[24]

This is not the case everywhere since there are still many countries where social security through having many children is the norm. Although social security is a relatively recent phenomenon, prevalent mostly in developed countries, it deserves mention because the existence of social security substantially changes reproductive behavior in a society, and it has an impact on reducing the cycle of poverty.[24] By reducing the cycle of poverty, government creates a self-reinforcing cycle where people see the government as friend both because of the financial support they receive late in their lives, but also because of the overall reduction in national poverty due to the government's social security policies--which then adds to public support for social security.[25]

환경 오염 방지[편집]

Governments play a crucial role in managing environmental public goods such as the atmosphere, forests and water bodies. Governments are valuable institutions for resolving problems involving these public goods at both the local and global scales (e.g., climate change, deforestation, overfishing). Although in recent decades the economic market has been championed by certain quarters as a suitable mechanism for managing environmental entities, markets have serious failures and governmental intervention and regulation and the rule of law is still required for the proper, just and sustainable management of the environment.

정부의 긍정적인 면[편집]

Governments vary greatly, and the situation of citizens within their governments can vary greatly from person to person. For many people, government is seen as a positive force.

Upper economic class support[편집]

Governments often seek to manipulate their nations' economies — ostensibly for the nations' benefits. However, another aspect of this kind of intervention is the fact that the members of government often take opportunities to shape economic policies for their own benefits. For example, capitalists in a government might adjust policy to favor capitalism, so capitalists would see that government as a friend. In a feudal society, feudal lords would maintain laws that reinforce their powers over their lands and the people working on them, so those lords would see their government as a friend. Naturally, the exploited persons in these situations may see government very differently.

민주주의를 지원[편집]

Government, especially in democratic and republican forms, can be seen as the entity for a sovereign people to establish the type of society, laws and national objectives that are desired collectively. A government so created and maintained will tend to be quite friendly toward those who created and maintain it.


Government can benefit or suffer from religion, as religion can benefit or suffer from government. While governments can threaten people with physical harm for observed violations of the law, religion often provides a psychological disincentive for socially destructive or anti-government actions.[26][27] Religion can also give people a sense of peace and resolve even when they are in trying circumstances, and when an individual's religious beliefs are aligned with the government's, that person will tend to see government as a friend—especially during religious controversies.

정부의 부정적인 면[편집]

Since the positions of individuals with respect to their governments can vary, there are people who see a government or governments as negative.


In the most basic sense, a people of one nation will see the government of another nation as the enemy when the two nations are at war. For example, the people of Carthage saw the Roman government as the enemy during the Punic wars.[28]


In early human history, the outcome of war for the defeated was often enslavement. The enslaved people would not find it easy to see the conquering government as a friend.

종교적 억압[편집]

There is a flip side to the phenomenon of people's ability to view a government as a friend because they share the government's religious views. People with opposing religious views will have a greater tendency to view that government as their enemy. A good example would be the condition of Catholicism in England before the Catholic Emancipation. Protestants—who were politically dominant in England—used political, economic and social means to reduce the size and strength of Catholicism in England over the 16th to 18th centuries, and as a result, Catholics in England felt that their religion was being oppressed.[29]

Class oppression[편집]

Whereas capitalists in a capitalist country may tend to see that nation's government as their friend, a class-aware group of industrial workers—a proletariat—may see things very differently. If the proletariat wishes to take control of the nation's productive resources, and they are blocked in their endeavors by continuing adjustments in the law made by capitalists in the government,[30] then the proletariat will come to see the government as their enemy—especially if the conflicts become violent.

The same situation can occur among peasants. The peasants in a country, e.g. Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great, may revolt against their landlords, only to find that their revolution is put down by government troops.[31]

비판적 견해와 대안[편집]

The relative merits of various forms of government have long been debated by philosophers, politicians and others. However, in recent times, the traditional conceptions of government and the role of government have also attracted increasing criticism from a range of sources. Some argue that the traditional conception of government, which is heavily influenced by the zero-sum perceptions of state actors and focuses on obtaining security and prosperity at a national level through primarily unilateral action, is no longer appropriate or effective in a modern world that is increasingly connected and interdependent. One such school of thought is human security, which advocates for a more people-based (as opposed to state-based) conception of security, focusing on protection and empowerment of individuals. Human security calls upon governments to recognise that insecurity and instability in one region affects all and to look beyond national borders in defining their interests and formulating policies for security and development. Human security also demands that governments engage in a far greater level of cooperation and coordination with not only domestic organisations, but also a range of international actors such as foreign governments, intergovernmental organisations and non-government organisations.

Whilst human security attempts to provide a more holistic and comprehensive approach to world problems, its implementation still relies to a large extent on the will and ability of governments to adopt the agenda and appropriate policies. In this sense, human security provides a critique of traditional conceptions of the role of government, but also attempts to work within the current system of state-based international relations. Of course, the unique characteristics of different countries and resources available are some constraints for governments in utilising a human security framework.


Government is sometimes an enemy and sometimes a friend. Government exalts some of us and oppresses others of us. At times, governments are aligned with our religious, economic and social views, and at other times—misaligned.

The role of government in the lives of people has expanded significantly during human history. Government's role has gone from providing basic security to concern in religious affairs to control of national economies and eventually to providing lifelong social security. As our societies have become more complex, governments have become more complex, powerful and intrusive. The controversies over how big, how powerful and how intrusive governments should become will continue for the remainder of human history.

틀:Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


  1. Wordnet 검색 3.0: Government : 영어
  2. LoveToKnow: 1911 엔사이클로피디아: Government : 영어
  3. “CIA World Factbook -- Iran”. Central Intelligence Agency. 2007. 2007년 12월 4일에 확인함.  (printable version)
  4. “CIA - World Factbook -- Netherlands”. Central Intelligence Agency. 2007. 2007년 12월 4일에 확인함. 
  5. Christian 146-147
  6. Christian 245
  7. Christian 294
  8. Christian 253
  9. Most of this sentence is in the present tense because the process is still ongoing.
  10. Christian 271
  11. The concept of the city itself became a self-reinforcing cycle. "The creation of such large and dense communities required new forms of power," and since cities concentrate power, the new (sovereign) rulers had incentives to build and expand cities to further increase their power.(Christian 271,321)
  12. Christian 248
  13. Schulze 81
  14. Dietz 68
  15. Social Contract Theory
  16. Dietz 65-66
  17. Hobbes idea of the necessity of the formation of government is known as the social contract theory.
  18. The field of study and thought about the necessity of governments and governments' relationships with people is known as political philosophy.
  19. Higham, "Indus Valley Civilization"
  20. 인용 오류: <ref> 태그가 잘못되었습니다; adler 80라는 이름을 가진 주석에 텍스트가 없습니다
  21. Schulze 13,58
  22. General Zhaoyun par. 1
  23. Interestingly, during World War I, the "capitalist" countries of Europe implemented economic measures that would make a socialist proud.(Schulze 275)
  24. Nebel 165-166
  25. Bruce Bartlett. Social Security Then and Now. COMMENTARY. March 2005, Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 52-56. In the online version on paragraph 13 it suggests that, During the Great Depression, Roosevelt wanted to suppress revolutionary tendencies by tying workers to the state—hence a state-run social security system. Also read the paragraphs above where it talks about populist demagogues and socialist revolutions in other countries. Tying workers to the state through social security was a politically strategic move designed to preserve the United States of America and its democracy.
  26. Dietz 151n70
  27. Dietz 138
  28. E.L. Skip Knox. “The Punic Wars”. Department of History, Boise State University. 2007년 12월 14일에 확인함. 
  29. “CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: England (Since the Reformation)”. www.newadvent.org. 1913. 2007년 12월 14일에 확인함. 
  30. Christian 358
  31. McKay 613


  • Adler, Mortimer J. (1996). 《The Common Sense of Politics》. Fordham University Press, New York. ISBN 0-8232-1666-7. 
  • 《American Heritage dictionary of the English language》 4판. 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116: Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 572, 770쪽. ISBN 0-395-82517-2. 
  • Christian, David (2004). 《Maps of Time》. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-24476-1. 
  • Dietz, Mary G. (1990). 《Thomas Hobbes & Political Theory》. University Press of Kansas. ISBN 0-7006-0420-0. 
  • Miller, George A.; Christiane Fellbaum, and Randee Tengi, and Pamela Wakefield, and Rajesh Poddar, and Helen Langone, and Benjamin Haskell (2006). “WordNet Search 3.0”. 《WordNet a lexical database for the English language》. Princeton University/Cognitive Science Laboratory /221 Nassau St./ Princeton, NJ 08542. wordnet:earth science. 2007년 11월 10일에 확인함. 
  • Nebel, Bernard J.; Richard T. Wright (2007). 《Environmental Science (7th ed.)》. Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. ISBN 0-13-083134-4. 
  • Schulze, Hagen (1994). 《States, Nations and Nationalism》. Blackwell Publishers Inc, 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148, USA. 

Additional references[편집]

  • Higham, Charles F. W. (2004). “Indus Valley Civilization”. 《Ancient and Medieval History Online》. New York: Facts On File, Inc. 2007년 12월 7일에 확인함. 
  • Kenoyer, J. M. Ancient Cities of the Indus Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
  • Possehl, Gregory L. Harappan Civilization: A Recent Perspective. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1993
  • Indus Age: The Writing System. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996
  • “Revolution in the Urban Revolution: The Emergence of Indus Urbanisation,” Annual Review of Anthropology 19 (1990): 261–282.

See also[편집]

Governmental roles[편집]

Relevant lists[편집]

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