본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
난간에서 위키드래곤과 위키기사가 서로 맞붙은 모습을 그린 유화.
난간에서 위키드래곤과 위키기사가 서로 맞붙은 모습을 그린 유화.
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 동물계
문: 척삭동물문
강: 파충강
목: 드래곤목
과: 유럽드래곤과
속: Wikidraco
종: W. wikidraco
아종: * W. w. anglica, 2F1, 2007 (모식종)
Wikidraco wikidraco
2F1, 2007
W. w. anglica
2F1, 2007

WikiDragon의 분포

위키드래곤 서식 범위로 알려진 구역

위급(CR): 절멸가능성 극단적으로 높음
평가기관: IUCN 적색 목록 3.1[출처 필요]

위키드래곤(WikiDragon)은 위키세계 내에서 과감하고 극적으로, 때로는 거대한 기여를 하고 다니는 신화적인 위키생물(WikiCreature)이다. 보통 위키드래곤은 거대하고 강한 이나 마법, 영성적 특성을 가진 파충류로 묘사된다.

활동 양상[편집]

위키드래곤은 최소한 아래 활동 중 3개 이상의 활동을 하는 양상을 보인다.

  • 편집이 매우 크며 대담하고 거대하다.
  • 글을 쓰기 위해 자료를 찾겠다고 구글이나 기타 논문 검색 사이트에 수 시간이나 넘게 틀어박혀 있다.
  • 하나의 문서에 극도로 집중한다.
  • 마치 방대한 폭격을 날리듯이 짜잘한 편집들을 엄청나게 많은 수로 날리거나 많은 문서들을 짜잘하게 바꾼다.
  • 종종 다른 위키군상의 군상들은 편집에 있어서 적어도 젊은 시절이 비판적이고 배은망덕하다고 생각한다.
  • 문법이나 철자 세부 오타같은 것에 주의를 크게 쓰지 못하는 경우가 많다.


위키드래곤은 종종 대담하고 과감하며 때로는 매우 큰 기여를 하는 모습을 보이기도 한다. 이런 향상과 개선은 통상 방대한 지식이나 긴밤동안 구글 검색, 출처 참조를 바탕으로 일어나는 경우가 많다. 위키드래곤은 문법 교정, 내부 링크 추가, 기타 전체적인 문장 교열과 같은 사소한 것들은 위키엘프, 위키노움, 기타 위키환상체에게 생략하는 경우가 많다. 위키드래곤은 보통 두 가지로 분류된다. 한 종류는 하나의 문서에만 집중하는 종류이며 다른 하나는 짧은 시간에 여러 문서에 걸처 매우 많은 수의 편집을 하는 종류이다. 전체적으로 이들이 싸움터나 놀이터라는 위키백과 사용자의 일반적인 영역 중 하나에 들어맞는다는 것을 보여주는 증거는 없다.

위키드래곤은 외톨이여서 사회적 또는 협력적으로 서로 만나거나 활동하는 일이 드물다. 위키드래곤은 보통 서로를 만날 경우 짧게 서로 인지한 후 곧바로 다시 헤어저 신선한 목초지를 향하는 경우가 많다. 하지만 또 다른 위키드래곤이 위키기사위키노움 일당들에게 필요치도 않은 공격을 받을 경우 동료 위키드래곤을 돕기 위해 맹렬하게 싸우는 모습을 보이기도 한다. 하지만, 그 위키드래곤이 상대방에게 공격받을 만 하다고 판단할 경우 그냥 주시한 채 때로는 공격자들에게 조언을 주기도 한다.


편리 공생[편집]

위키드래곤이 정보를 소화하면 이들의(보통 '문서'로 알려진) 반추물은 위키엘프위키요정을 비롯한 다양한 종류의 위키군상의 새로운 보금자리가 된다. 이 관계는 보통 공생이지만 마치 위키드래곤이 아닌 군상이 드래곤을 성가시게 만들기 위해 그것들을 훔쳐가는 것으로 기생 관계가 될 수도 있다.

고대(2010년 경)에는 위키드래곤이 문서를 배변하는 것이라고 생각했으나 현대 연구에서는 이것이 잘못된 것으로 드러났다. 위키드래곤이 스스로 자연스럽게 배변한다는 증거는 존재하지 않는다. 사실은 위키드래곤이 스트레스를 많이 받는 상태일 때 위키 생태계 내에서 다른 생명체와의 불쾌한 상호작용이나 동시에 살고 있는 거의 비슷한 다중우주 세계에서 살아갈 때 위키드래곤이 때때로 배설물과 함께 기타 영양분이 많은 토사물을 혼합한다는 것이 밝혀졌다. In extremely stressful situations, WikiDragons were traditionally believed to have spouted flames, but reliable sources disagree on whether this phenomenon is in fact legendary or scientific.

According to the post-2010 ecological consensus among WikiScientists, the biological niche of WikiGnomes and WikiElves is not equivalent to that of the dung beetle, but rather they are the symbiotic species which inevitably colonize the fresh territory that WikiDragons produce, and keep that territory clean, healthy, and free of various types of vermin. The ecological responsibility of the WikiDragon is to vomit up the universe, with little concern for the details, and many rough edges. The biological record seems quite clear that WikiDragons are inherently engines of creation, but whether or not the wikiDragon leaves rough edges purposely, as a means of collaborating with other fauna, or due to genetic predisposition, is still undergoing significant research.

The working relationship observed amongst WikiKnights and WikiDragons is controversial, especially when factionalism amongst the WikiGnomes and WikiElves results.


A German woodcut depicting a Greek WikiDragon from Babylon with seven heads carrying off a happy WikiPrincess.

It was once thought that the WikiDragon kept WikiOtters as pets, but no evidence can be found supporting this hypothesis; it seems the only pets WikiDragons keep are WikiPrincesses. It also is rumored that despite appearances, WikiOtters and WikiDragons share 99.5% of the same behavior genome. The main difference in behavior is that WikiDragons are resourceful in finding work for themselves, whereas WikiOtters are flexible and willing to work for just about anybody on anything. Despite these differences, a WikiDragon and a WikiOtter working in collaboration could potentially form a powerful team that could accomplish nearly any goal. A WikiOtter and WikiDragon Meeting Cave has been established to test this hypothesis.

Winning the support of a WikiPrincess is a vital key when making a controversial edit, and WikiDragons are careful to respect them for this reason. WikiDragons often mistake a WikiPrincess as a sort of object to be safeguarded, and thus treat them as a sort of pet, pampering them frequently and even taking them into custody in their lairs.

Predation and predators[편집]

WikiDragons typically feed on smaller organisms such as WikiImps, WikiGremlins, or WikiTrouts. It is rumored that WikiDragons and the legendary WikiKrakens both feed on the other, but no solid evidence surfaced showing WikiKrakens actually exist. WikiDragons typically respect medium-sized creatures such as WikiGnomes and WikiOgres, and they usually stay a safe distance from larger creatures such as WikiGiants.

Aggression and defense[편집]

Most WikiDragons are armed with fiery breath, which is used for defense against predators and foes, as well as for hunting WikiKrakens. This is also an effective mechanism for making a point in a discussion, although usually in such a case its use is accidental. In their youth WikiDragons are unable to prevent themselves from exhaling fire while talking, though most master this trait later in life.

The WikiDragon is built to withstand battle. Its thick hide, powerful tail, and strong bite, when combined with its sharp wit, make for a nearly undefeatable creature. WikiDragon hunting, for this reason, usually involves a small or large party to take the WikiDragon down.

WikiDragons periodically retreat into their caves after a battle or after a long edit streak, as both require massive amounts of energy. The WikiDragon then hibernates for an indefinite period and usually comes back out of its cave at a later date to continue editing.

Contrary to popular belief, WikiDragons typically mind their own business and do not pay much attention to other creatures. This relatively low level of interaction with others has been the cause of misunderstanding about them. They are often regarded as trolls due to their bold edits, which has led to their hunting by WikiKnights and WikiGnomes.


A German political cartoon by Philipendula of a WikiDragon asking Santa Claus to bring him a nice new WikiKnight since he destroyed the last one.

WikiKnights are the sworn enemy of the WikiDragon. These Pillar defenders keep a close eye on WikiDragons, and many are willing to risk anything to prevent a WikiDragon from making a controversial edit. When WikiDragons and WikiKnights collide, WikiDragons will often defend themselves with fire, but many have grown tired of defending and withdraw to their caves in defeat. Often, a period of hibernation follows such a retreat from battle, and some WikiDragons may never leave their caves again.

However, exceptions have occurred, as proven by the Meeting Cave designated for WikiDragons and WikiOtters, or the Meeting den for WikiDragons and WikiPlatypi.

Theories on the origin of WikiDragons[편집]

At the beginning of WikiTime, WikiDragons were quite common, turning up on every corner of Wikipedia, and were the dominant species at the end of Nupedian pre-history. Long-lived beings, WikiDragons were known to fly above the fray of the short-lived kingdoms of men (or roam the ground or waters when they are wingless), and put their time into making contributions, though their numbers have dwindled to near extinction over time.

Historically, when confronted or attacked, a WikiDragon would respond with vehemence and fire to defend their personal honour or the honor of their closest WikiFriends. WikiDragons typically have a great level of courage (necessary to endure WikiKnights) and faith in their fellow Wikipedians (especially other WikiDragons). The more recent evolution of the WikiGnome and WikiFaeries/WikiZenMasters led to widespread persecution of WikiDragons. Current research, as it is available, suggests because of natural aging as well as physical and psychological damage from unending attacks, abuses, and persecutions, WikiDragons can ultimately lose their ability to fly and degenerate, often after long spells of inactivity, into WikiOgres, or to permanently retreat to their caves in a final self-immolation. Dark wizards and mystics allege that certain Wikidragons retain the ability to be reborn, particularly after long spells of hibernation, though the historical record is sparse on this phenomenon.


Some Darwinists propose that WikiDragons were perhaps the first species to inhabit Wikipedia. Evidence of this is found by looking at fossil articles dating back as far as 2001 (middle Nupedian). Since no similar fossils have been found elsewhere, it is believed that WikiDragons are highly developed archosaurs which evolved from cave-dwelling dragons of Europe, possibly with the help of a genetic experiment involving a dragon carcass and the brain cells of an intellectual being comparable to the human.

Newer evidence suggests WikiDragons evolved from primitive diapsid preWikimedian life forms. The topic of preWikian life, especially in an older region of cyberspace called Nupedia (which disappeared in 2003), sparks debates about whether there is life outside Wikimedia. Until Wikimedians realized they had to escape Wikimedia to attend the Wikimania event in Frankfurt, it was not realized that there were any worlds outside of Wikia. This discovery led to the eventual discovery of virtual worlds as well, including Nupedia, where 28 fossils of Nupediasaurus have been uncovered, dating from the years 2000 to 2003. The first WikiDragon fossils do not appear until November 2003, but it is believed that Wikidraco diverged from Nupediasaurus at the beginning of 2001.

Nupediasaurus survived for two years following the creation of Wikipedia, and may have been the actual founders and creators of Wikipedia.


A WikiDragon from Singapore enjoying a drink in a favourite classical setting.

A very common theory is that WikiDragons are the adult form following metamorphosis, although no one has been able to identify the larval stage. Metamorphosis is apparently very similar to the better-understood concept of Pokémon evolution, though it involves more time and has a more predictable process of tissue regeneration and degradation.


In the writings of St. Patrick, he mentions "certain beasts, which, by means of the blasts of their fiery breath, do impart knowledge upon the Wikiworld." Later in the same scroll, he discusses their origins: "Verily, the Lord did make the WikiDragon, for that vast quantities of knowledge may be rapidly imparted unto them that know not." He further discusses that though their works may produce "curious grammatizations" requiring minor changes by other Wikispecies, their works are "most truly blessed", because "by their boldness, great and needed changes do occur", and "much needed pages do sprout forth as the shamrock after the early spring rains."

Greek mythology[편집]

Greek mythology tells us that the WikiDragons were offspring of Typhon and Echidna, and the WikiSerpents were born of Phorcys and Ceto. These immortal couples were said to have produced all kinds of beasts.


A more popular Wikipedia:Consensus is that WikiDragons are entirely fictitious. Most people doubt their existence, and even more doubt they ever did exist. These opinions usually arise from people who do not believe in the existence of other types of dragons as well.


Some scientists argue that the WikiDragon is simply a misidentification of the common Wikipedian.[누가?] This hypothesis serves as a reason for the difficulties posed in locating them.

IUCN Red List status[편집]

Conservation status[편집]

In 2008, WikiDragons were labeled a Critically Endangered Species on the IUCN 3.1 scale per section D., "Population size estimated to number fewer than 50 mature individuals." Only 33 specimens were known to exist at the beginning of that year, and it was believed by most that the numbers were dwindling. However, surveys taken in March and May later that year revealed 36 and 47 specimens, respectively, hinting that there was hope for a comeback. However, in June 2008, the numbers dropped once again to 33, suggesting that the population was actually stable, but dangerously fragile.

Through improved conservation and awareness efforts, the WikiDragon population began making a tremendous comeback once again, with a count of 63 specimens in November. A surprising total of 94 specimens were tallied in early February 2009, marking a tremendous success in bringing the species back. The same survey was conducted again in June, and 112 specimens were identified.[1] The increase in WikiDragons without any farming proves the species is not extinct in the wild.

The dramatic growth took a surprising turn in 2010. During the summer and fall, WikiDragons became more and more difficult to find. By the end of the year, the population fell from around 146 to only around 73 – a 50% decline. The red flag serves as a warning that one of the iconic giants of Wikipedia may not be around for our children to see.

The population has remained a Critically Endangered Species and will remain as such until it can rise over 50 non-captive animals, at which point Wikidragons will have the relative stability of being an Endangered Species. Reintroduction efforts and nest site protection during the breeding season have helped to an extent, though numbers remain scarce.[2]

Factors contributing to the endangerment of WikiDragons[편집]

A depiction of an English WikiKnight battling an Italian WikiDragon. A young WikiPrincess stands close by to witness the battle. If he slays the WikiDragon, he will win her heart and she will send him WikiLove.


WikiDragons most often make bold edits that may attract attention. These edits will at times lead to edit wars, are tagged for deletion by another user—perhaps because that user is attempting to "clean up" – or may be reverted on-sight as POV-pushing (even though the majority of WikiDragons keep their biases well-hidden or subdued). This and other vilification of WikiDragons by angry mobs (sometimes as small as even three or four users banded together—unless one of them finally gets permablocked) has led to a drastic reduction in WikiDragons willing to emerge from their cave homes.

While some may consider this to be a problem, Wikipedia administrators, in large part, hesitate to stop the destruction of these noble WikiFey for reasons of wikipolitics, fear of repercussions, personal hatred of WikiDragons in general, or other motivations. Some administrators have even been known to actively hunt WikiDragons.[출처 필요]


WikiKnights, however, are perhaps the biggest threat to the survival of English-speaking WikiDragons. Sworn into the duty of slaying WikiDragons, WikiKnights inhabit all of Wikipedia. The motivation behind these attacks varies. As can be seen in the painting, one such reason is to win the heart of a WikiPrincess.

The social roots of their endangerment are even clearer if one considers that WikiDragons tend to be loners, while WikiKnights organize together to fight WikiDragons. That's why WikiDragons so often lose. Isolated WikiDragons also have a bit of a problem with the fire-breath: 'Hey, I was just breathing. How come you turned black, fell apart, and blew away?'

As WikiKnightdom is an English concept, non-English WikiDragons have other predators. Russian WikiDragons are hunted by "evil conspirators", who work against all of the WikiFey ru:Википедия:Викидракон#Преследования викидраконов, and Portuguese WikiDragons are hunted by WikiGnomes and WikiElves pt:Wikipedia:WikiDragão. African WikiDragons, perhaps the rarest of all WikiDragons, are often attacked by fearsome WikiKings, as they tend to settle on the lands of others; which makes them a pesky lot.

Historically, WikiDragons had difficulty becoming administrators on the English Wikipedia, presumably because they were unable to fit inside the cubicles, and their resistance to captive breeding programs. With time, some have learned to successfully integrate.

Because of their intense persecution, WikiDragons are often driven off from Wikipedia, but some others flee to outlying WikiVillages where local law enforcers are more forgiving of their behavior. Such villages can be havens for WikiDragons, although they still face persecution from Wikipedians that visit the WikiVillage and are not used to such peaceful treatment of the beasts.


WikiDragons have an amazing ability to become preoccupied with a task, making staying focused on their projects much easier. However, some WikiDragons have been known to have a change in preoccupation. This will usually only happen if there is a major change in the WikiDragon's life.

Due to the nature of their preoccupation, WikiDragons are very difficult to distract, and it is very rare that one should succeed in preoccupying a WikiDragon with some other task. However, a few WikiDragons have been known to become preoccupied with other tasks, and the following are a few of the most common examples of activities which have caused such a shift in a WikiDragon's preoccupation:


Many WikiDragons can be recognized immediately by particular characteristics. Often, these characteristics are misconstrued negatively. They may include:


  • Courage – WikiDragons come to Wikipedia already possessing tremendous courage; without it they could not survive, endure, or thrive in this world. With the courage to edit, to challenge dubious claims, and to speak truth no matter how palatable or distasteful that truth may be, the WikiDragon is the champion of courage.
  • Faith – A WikiDragon's faith in the system is absolute, regardless of how many times that same system may assist—intentionally or unintentionally—the WikiDragon's persecution. The WikiDragon keeps unbending faith in the solidarity of WikiDragons, the importance of the total project, and most important, faith that all editors are intending to better Wikipedia (unless and until proven otherwise).
  • Honour – A WikiDragon's sense of honour is of utmost importance and value. Impugning the honour of a WikiDragon is very likely to elicit an aggressive response, possibly including the breathing of fire.
  • Loyalty – The WikiDragon's unswerving resolve toward maintaining neutrality is matched only by their resolve toward defending other WikiDragons and sympathetic users (but only so much as they are in the right). Without loyalty, the WikiDragon is nothing.


  • Battle Scars – From the many battles, whether as an active participant or whilst seeking refuge from unprovoked attacks, the WikiDragon rarely survives beyond infancy without garnering some sort of disfigurement or, at the least, minor scars.
  • Knowledge – Having vast stores of information on subjects of their interest, which may be eclectic and unrelated to pop-culture.
  • Lucidity – Ability to state what they think in clear words, long words, and sometimes archaic or arcane language, which unfortunately can sometimes confuse others or cause others to take the WikiDragon's comments differently from how they were intended.
  • Passion – Possibly the strongest aspect of a WikiDragon, this is very often confused with incivility, but is not meant to be so. Pointing out facts and calling a spade a spade are common WikiDragon behaviors. The WikiDragon's passion derives from the confluence of honour, loyalty, courage, and faith.

Magical powers[편집]

A statue of an English WikiDragon in London. Many WikiDragons prefer shadows due to the widespread persecution, though when one is as grand and bold as a WikiDragon, subtlety and a low-profile are virtually impossible to achieve.

The highly evolved species is a "sophisticated combined-arsenal editing apparatus", while less evolved forms roam with fewer powers, as if their "philosophy begins in wonder".[3] WikiDragons may have many magical wiki-powers not shared by other creatures such as:

  • Bite – WikiDragons may habitually utilize their razor-sharp serrated teeth for causing massive wounds, although this trait has been observed only in certain breeds. Spreading WikiLove with a puff of smoke is often preferred. When researchers performed an MRI of a WikiDragon, they found the most structurally complex venom gland known. It has openings between the teeth and releases either magical or deadly chemicals. Truth serum is produced by some rare breeds. Administrators have noticed this effect in their reviews on WikiDragon prey submitted to them. Survivors may gain a new lease on life with an appreciation for Wikipedia's principles.
  • Breathing Fire – Like any other dragons, WikiDragons breathe fire naturally. This can unfortunately lead to people assuming that they are making personal attacks or acting particularly aggressively when, in point of fact, the WikiDragon merely is stating facts in a direct, apolitical manner, and fire on the breath still accompanies the words without the WikiDragon's intent to flame anyone.
  • Creativity – This trait varies widely, from graph-producing to metaphorical connection-making to writing; this power confounds other creatures.
  • Expertise – Having an elusive ability called "expertise", though many users (of all types) debate as to whether or not this actually exists.
  • Flight – Ordinary flight and the dance-like energetic movement between the real, imaginary and unknown mysteries of space and time. Makes for a hypnotic show to the foe: "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee".[4] Only a sick dragon would dispose of themselves to user puppetry. There is usually one chink in their feathered scales that would prevent them from direct confrontation. This they only show to those they trust. Although preferring eldritch locations, WikiDragons rarely approach articles that have become cyber-cesspools.
  • Justification – Such a fierce creature may dispense with civility or charm, which is not their obvious strength. As a result, countless "bull in the china shop" effects may grace WikiDragons with the magical powers of apology as key to their survival. The defensive may be objectively reasonable in believing his or her lethal actions were necessary for survival. The persecuted may have put themselves ahead of Wikipedia's interests. The lost didn't take this project to heart or may have been fooled into believing fraudulent tricks are real magic. The rest are careless.
  • Awards – While fairy tales and folklore often portray WikiDragons as cunning thieves, this is untrue. WikiDragons were early adopters of the general public use license. Many WikiDragons have few or no awards due to their hiding in the realm of smaller articles or the lack of recognition from non-WikiDragons. Theorists believe that WikiDragons also do not typically give out such awards because they consider WikiDraconic behavior the norm, thus accounting for the lack of awards to WikiDragons from other WikiDragons.
  • Rejuvenation – Long hours of condensing research into relevant text can take a toll on a WikiDragon, particularly when emotionally committed to defending a harmless NPOV. The species has the amazing power to flee and retire from activity for rest and relaxation. After shedding their skin in a safe place with physical activity, they can return renewed and may even grow a lost appendage.
  • Sapience – Ability to instinctively sense and discern other wikipedians' intentions with a simple whiff from their forked tongue.
  • Tail – WikiDragon tails are quite unique due to their reptilian heritage. Slayers pursue and highly pride them. The tail can direct thunder and lighting to their target. Preliminary studies indicate they curl to follow a monomyth adventure model. Other species have left edits on cave walls in attempts to record them. Based on Dungeons and Dragons observations, the current thesis is that WikiDragons prefer non-persistent chat and would rather edit articles with reliable sources, then chase their tail.
  • Transmutation – Ability to create entire articles from thin air.

Locating WikiDragons[편집]


WikiDragons may be easily located by browsing the WikiDragon and WikiOtter census and its archives. This log also serves as a meeting cave and a networking point for teaming up with WikiOtters, who have been long-thought to be a potentially valuable friend for WikiDragons. The biannual census at the meeting cave helps determine an estimate as to how many WikiDragons are left in the wild.


Wikidragons may self-identify on Wikipedia, albeit individually, through userpage proclamations through the use of userboxes. The larger box is hypothesized to potentially draw more hunters and increase individual persecution and attacks, but this hypothesis has not yet been proven. All of them should be seen as both pronouncements and warnings.

The userboxes were recently updated following the discovery of the population increase. The normal userbox can be produced using the code {{User wikipedia/WikiDragon2}}:

틀:User wikipedia/WikiDragon2

The "dragon-sized" userbox can be produced using the code {{User wikipedia/WikiDragon-dragonsized-v2}}: 틀:User wikipedia/WikiDragon-dragonsized-v2

(The original userboxes may be found at Template:User wikipedia/WikiDragon and Template:User wikipedia/WikiDragon-dragonsized).:

틀:User wikipedia/WikiDragon

A more discreet method for a WikiDragon to identify himself is to display an icon along the top bar of his userpage: . This can be accomplished by adding the following template on one's userpage: 틀:Tlu (click the link for detailed instructions for adding it to a topicon strip).

종 분류[편집]

2020년 4월 기준, 공식적으로 현재 11개 종의 아종이 문서화되어 남아 있다. 위키드래곤의 아종을 판별할 수 있는 가장 쉬운 방법은 개체가 서로 교류하고 있는 위키의 언어를 살펴보는 것이다.

이 외에도 기록은 되어있지 않으나 8개 아종이 주로 아트워크를 중심으로 생존하고 있는 것으로 추정된다. 기타 기록되지 않은 구전상의 아종으로는 중국, 그리스, 독일, 일본, 말레이, 슬로베니아, 에스파냐, 웨일스 위키드래곤이 있는 것으로 추정된다. 이들 위키드래곤에 대해서는 사진이나 조각상 같은 간접 증거 외에는 직접적으로 생존해 있다는 증거가 보이지 않는다.

See also[편집]

Related pages[편집]


  1. Wikipedia talk:WikiDragon
  2. “2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)”. Iucnredlist.org. 1996년 10월 23일. 2013년 5월 23일에 확인함. 
  3. Plato Quote
  4. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. by Muhammad Ali