본문으로 이동

서문 (노래)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

서문(영어: Preamble)은 미크로네시아 연방이 신탁통치를 받던 1979년에 채택되었다. 신탁 통치가 끝난 이후에도 미크로네시아 연방의 국가로 사용되다가 1991년 폐지되었다. 제작자는 불명이다.


We people of Micronesia
Exercise sov'reignty.
Establish our Constitution
Of Federated States.
Affirm our common wish to live
In peace and harmony.
To preserve heritage of past
And promise of future.
Make one nation Of many isles,
Diversity Of our cultures.
Our diff'rences Will enrich us,
Waters bring us All together.
They don't sep'rate.
They sustain us.
Our Islands Our nation
Get larger And make us stronger
And make us much stronger.
Our Ancestors made their homes here,
Displaced no other man,
We who remain wish unity,
Been ruled we seek freedom,
Our days began when men explored
Seas in rafts and canoes.
Our nation born when men voyaged
The seas via the stars.
The world itself is an island
We seen from all nations.
Peace, friendship, co-operation,
Love and humanity.
With this Constitution,
We now become proud guardian
Of our beautiful islands.


외부 링크[편집]